
Unfair Game Film Score
This 15 minute soundtrack is the Ensemble’s latest film score project, with original music by Lew Richmond. The film is “Unfair Game,” a half-hour video about coyote “killing contests,” in which hunters sign up to kill as many coyotes as they can in a specified time period, often using lures and other unsportsmanlike methods. The film was produced by Project Coyote
informational video for the Sukhasiddhi Foundation
The Melanthium Ensemble provided the music soundtrack for this informational video for the Sukhasiddhi Foundation, A Tibetan Buddhist group in Fairfax, CA. The original music, written by Melanthium’s Lew Richmond, is entitled “Mani,” and uses the traditional melody sung worldwide by Tibetan Buddhists with the mantra of universal compassion “Om Mani Padme Hum.
Audio-only version of "Mani", the soundtrack for the Sukhasiddhi informational video above.
Songs of Lazarus Album
Lew Richmond’s 2010 solo piano album “Healing Lazarus” is available on Itunes for track samples and download purchase.